Lease Terms and Conditions

Lease Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions shall apply to contractual agreed rental of electronic devices, accessories and services provided by Choose 2 Rent and its Customers.

1. Preamble and definitions

1.1 “Customer” is the person, firm, company, or other organization who signed the rental agreement and who is entitled to use the contracted devices and accessories.

1.2 “Choose 2 Rent” is Choose 2 Rent LLC and will include its employees, agents or authorized representatives, and is the sole owner of the rented equipment.

1.3 “Device” is the device rented to the Customer for the agreed duration of the rental agreement and will include all parts and accessories fitted to the Device at the commencement of the rental.

1.4 Choose 2 Rent reserves the right to change the terms and conditions up to 72 hours before the delivery of the rental devices.

2. Rental Agreement

2.1 The rental agreement is entered into when one of the following events takes place:

2.1.1 The Customer uses the online reservation tool to order the rental devices and agrees to the terms and conditions followed by an email confirmation from Choose 2 Rent confirming the online reservation.

2.1.2 The Customer requests a quote and submits the signed Rental Order Confirmation to Choose 2 Rent online, followed by an email confirmation from Choose 2 Rent confirming the reservation.

3. Rental Period

3.1 The rental duration is quoted in calendar days. The duration of the rental is set in the rental agreement as per Paragraph 2.

3.2. The beginning of the rental period is the delivery day of the agreed rental duration listed in the rental agreement. Choose 2 Rent does not charge its Customers rent for the days that the devices are in the process of being shipped before the first rental day. In case the shipping of the devices arrives before the agreed beginning of the rental period at the Customer’s location, the Customer shall not be charged an additional rental fee for that time.

3.3 The end of the rental is defined by the return of the device at the Choose 2 Rent office location, or upon hand over of the complete return package to the shipping company. Under no circumstances should the Customer give the device to any person present at the Choose 2 Rent office locations unless confirmed to be a Choose 2 Rent employee.

3.3.1 If the Customer chooses to return the device by mail, the Customer agrees to ship the device via insured express shipping to Choose 2 Rent, and furthermore agrees to keep the shipping receipt, along with the tracking number, for at least 14 calendar days.

3.3.2 If the rented device is returned without its accessories, the Customer will be invoiced for the cost of the replacement of these items or will be charged for additional rental days until the return of all accessories takes place.

3.3.3 Under no circumstances will Choose 2 Rent accept any liability for articles that may have been left with the device at the end of the rental.
3.3.4 The Customer agrees to return the device to Choose 2 Rent at the agreed return date and place indicated on the rental agreement.

3.3.5 If return shipping is included in your rental agreement, the Customer is responsible to pack the device in the box or envelope the device arrived in, attach the included shipping label, and to send it off with the mail service indicated on the shipping label. The Customer is responsible to ensure that the shipping will be surrendered to the mail service indicated on the shipping label.

3.4 Extension of the duration of the rental. If the Customer wishes to keep the device for a longer period than originally set in the rental agreement, the Customer first needs to contact Choose 2 Rent in order to get a written confirmation to extend the duration of the rental agreement.

4. Price And Payment

4.1 The Customer acknowledges that each rental transaction may be subject to a deposit.

4.1.1 The Customer’s credit card must have enough available funds to cover the rental cost, as well as a maximum of a $500.00 deposit that shall be placed on hold on the Customer’s credit card for each rented device. The deposit will be authorized to the Customer’s credit card on the day the shipment to the Customer takes place or delivery day of the devices. Such deposit shall be released by Choose 2 Rent as soon as the devices are returned and Choose 2 Rent is satisfied that the goods are returned in a proper condition.

4.1.2 In the event that any rental device has been stolen, lost or damaged, or if the rental device has not been returned after 24 hours from the end of the Customer’s rental, the credit hold will be charged. This applies whether the Customer has purchased an insurance plan from Choose 2 Rent or not.

4.2 The Customer shall pay the rental, charges for any services, any additional insurances, fees for outgoing and return postage (if agreed in the rental agreement) and any other sums payable under the rental agreement to Choose 2 Rent prior to the commencement of any rental period.

4.3 Choose 2 Rent shall be entitled to receive full payment of the charges from the Customer on receipt of the order.

4.4 Late payment may at Choose 2 Rent’s sole discretion accrue interest on the amount unpaid (from the date that such unpaid amount became payable) at the interest rate of 12% per annum.

4.5 The Customer shall pay all sums listed in the rental agreement to Choose 2 Rent without any set-off or deduction.

4.6 The Customer is subject but not limited to the following fees prior, during and after the rental period.

4.6.1 Late fees, damage/repair fees, replacement fees, lost/unreturned equipment fees, international customs charges, additional data charges, onsite tech expenses, after hours service charges, sales tax, additional shipping charges, and FedEx pickup requests.

4.7 The customer will be notified via phone and/or email of any additional charges applied to the invoice.

4.8 The customer has seven (7) business days from the date of notification to respond and/or pay any additional fees. If customer fails to respond or process payment after this period, the credit card on file will be automatically charged for the amount due.

4.9 A 10% estimated charge for customs will be applied to all international quotes. Custom charges are subject to change and will be determined at the end of your rental period. Should customs be less than the 10% estimate charged, a refund will be applied to the credit card on file. If customs should be higher than estimated, a difference in amount will be applied to the credit card on file.

4.10 International custom charges can take 2-4 weeks after delivery to be determined.

5. Delivery And Collection

5.1 Choose 2 Rent shall send out the rented devices to the Customer using a carrier no less than one (1) day prior to the commencement of the rental period.

5.2 For multiple item orders, Choose 2 Rent will endeavor to ship all rental devices together. Should any device be unavailable and the Customer consents to a reschedule of part of the delivery any additional costs incurred from multiple shipments will be paid by Choose 2 Rent.

5.3 The Customer shall accept delivery of the goods on the day the carrier first attempts to deliver.

5.4 In the event that the shipping carrier makes its first attempt to deliver the devices after the start of the rental agreement, the Customer will receive a refund for the days the Customer has been unable to use the rental device.

5.5 Where a carrier has made an attempt to deliver but the Customer has not been present to accept the delivery, the rental period shall be as shown on the rental agreement.

5.6 The Customer is responsible to pack the return shipment using the supplied packaging material. Each device must be wrapped or encased separately, and each shipping container needs to be filled up with filling material to prevent damage during shipping. The shipping container must be securely sealed with the name and address of Choose 2 Rent’s return address clearly marked on the outside. Furthermore, the Customer agrees to use express shipping for returns and considers that the shipping has to be insured to cover the value of the devices.

5.7 If return shipping is included in the Customer’s rental agreement, the Customer is responsible to pack the Device in the box or envelope the Device arrived in and attach the included shipping label, and to send it off with the mail service indicated on the shipping label.

5.8 To avoid late fees, the return shipment must be tendered to or picked up by the carrier no later than the following business day of the rental end date.

5.9 If the customer chooses to leave the return shipment at a venue for pickup by the carrier, it is at their discretion and the Customer’s sole responsibility to ensure the pickup is completed and avoid any additional fees.

6. Condition Of The Rental Service

6.1 Immediately upon receipt of the rented Devices, the Customer is required to check the completeness of the entire delivery and the proper working conditions of the Devices.

6.2 In case a defect or malfunction is found, or the Customer is missing Devices or accessories in the shipping, the Customer must inform Choose 2 Rent immediately by email or phone and report the defect. Reclamations at a later point of the rental period are not accepted. If the Customer fails to inform Choose 2 Rent about any defect or missing Device/accessory, it is considered that the Customer received the shipment in complete and proper conditions.

6.3 The Customer is obliged to return the rental Device in the same condition as it was provided at the start of the rental.

7. Responsibility, Ownership And Use

7.1 Responsibility for the Devices shall lie with the Customer for the duration of the rental period even in circumstances where Choose 2 Rent has agreed for any reason to cease charging the Customer.

7.2 Ownership of the Devices always remains with Choose 2 Rent. The Customer must not pass itself off as the owner of the Devices.

7.3 The Customer shall:

7.3.1 Not remove any labels from and/or interfere with the Device and take reasonable care of the Devices, only use them for their proper purpose in a safe and correct manner in accordance with any operating and/or safety instructions supplied to the Customer.

7.3.2 Notify Choose 2 Rent within 24 hours after any breakdown, loss and/or damage to the Goods.

7.3.3 Take adequate and proper measures to protect the Device from theft, damage, and/or other risks.

7.3.4 Not use the Device close to inflammable or dangerous goods, as well as toxic, corrosive, radioactive or other harmful substances.

7.3.5 Not connect any accessories other than provided from Choose 2 Rent (unless prior written authorization from Choose 2 Rent).

7.3.6 Keep the Devices at all times in its possession and control and not to remove the Devices from the United States of America without the prior written authorization from Choose 2 Rent.

7.3.7 Permit Choose 2 Rent at all reasonable times to inspect the rented Devices including procuring access to any premises where the Devices are situated.

7.3.8 Not intentionally commit any offense or conduct illegal activities or cause damage to or and with the rented Device.

7.4 Any action the Customer takes upon the rented device is strictly at own risk. Choose 2 Rent will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of our devices.

8. Loss, Damage And Insurance

8.1. The Customer is fully liable for any damages to Choose 2 Rent when renting a Device upon receipt until it has been consigned to Choose 2 Rent.

8.2 If Devices are returned in a damaged, unclean, and/or defective state the Customer shall pay Choose 2 Rent for the cost of any repair and/or cleaning required to return the Device to the condition it was delivered.

8.3 In the event that Devices are lost, stolen or damaged during the rental period the Customer shall fully compensate Choose 2 Rent for replacement cost and/or the repair costs, administration charges and lost rental income for the time of repair or re-acquisition.

8.4 Choose 2 Rent shall use its reasonable commercial endeavors to procure repairs or replacements for Devices as quickly as possible.

8.5 Choose 2 Rent allows each Customer at the point of reservation to add a rental equipment insurance, which will be stated in the rental agreement when purchased.

8.5.1 The optional insurance plan is available for all electronic rental Devices offered by Choose 2 Rent. If included, it will be listed as a package item directly under the insured equipment in the rental agreement. The insurance covers 90% of the repair cost if a damage to the rental Devices occurs during the rental agreement. The deductible in case of damage is 10% of the repair cost. The insurance does not cover theft, accessories, or intentional damage.

8.6 The Customer agrees to inform Choose 2 Rent by phone, email or using the online service forms within 24 hours of any occurring damage to receive full insurance benefits if purchased.

8.7 Choose 2 Rent has not insured the rented Devices against Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage that you might cause on a third party resulting from an accident involving the Device. You are responsible for 100% of the costs they may incur for these reasons.

8.8 In any case, neither Choose 2 Rent nor its officers, directors or employees shall be liable to the contracting party for any amounts nor for any actions, law suits or claims related to any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive damages (such as loss of business and/or loss of profit) arising out of or in connection with the rental of the use of any Device. The Customer shall compensate, and hold Choose 2 Rent harmless from all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and or expenses arising out of or in connection of the rental or the use of any Device.

9. Termination And Cancellation

9.1 Neither the Customer nor Choose 2 Rent shall be entitled to terminate a rental agreement before the expiration of the rental agreement unless agreed with the other party.

9.2 Cancellations of reservations may be done by email. Cancellations will take effect at the date and time the cancellation is successfully recorded in the reservation system from Choose 2 Rent. A cancellation is considered confirmed once a cancellation confirmation notification is sent via email to the Customer.

9.2.1 The Customer may cancel the reservation without any penalty charge if it is submitted no later than (2) weeks before the rental ships.

9.2.2 After this period has elapsed, the Customer agrees to pay Choose 2 Rent a cancellation fee in the amount of 50% of the proposed rental rates as per the rental agreement.

9.2.3 No refunds shall be given if the customer cancels a reservation less than 72 hours before the rental ships or fails to collect the device on the rental start date and has failed to notify Choose 2 Rent in advance.

9.3 No refund shall be given to the Customer for Devices returned early if no written amendment to the rental agreement has been enforced.

10. Personal Data

10.1 The personal data the Customer provides to Choose 2 Rent, such as for an order, by email or to request a quote are only used to communicate with the Customer and only for the purpose for which the Customer has made the data available. Personal information is collected in accordance with legal provisions, stored and processed. In the event of an order being placed, it can be passed onto the courier company responsible for delivery.

10.2 It is mandatory to provide Choose 2 Rent with the requested personal data to ensure the rental.

10.3 To process payments, the Customer’s payment details are handled by a payment authorization system. Choose 2 Rent assures to its Customers that it will not share personal information to any third parties unless Choose 2 Rent is required by law or to compile with provisions of the USA Data Protection Act.

11. Applicable Laws

11.1 Any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. The Customer hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Florida in the United States of America in respect of any disputes related to or arising in connection with the website, or any other relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or any matter related to or in connection therewith. In any action related to or arising from this Agreement, venue shall be in Miami-Dade County, Florida. In any action related to or arising from this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to their reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

Updated: August 5, 2021