Lead Scanning

Simply Scan A QR Code!

Capture More Leads With Less Hassle

Lead Scanning captures and processes sales leads generated at events, trade shows, or conferences.

Data Insights To Streamline Lead Generation

It is essential for exhibitors to maximize their ROI and gain valuable insights into their target market.

Say Goodbye to Business Cards And Forms

Lead scanning tools allow you to connect to the events attendee database containing the contact details of event attendees.

Staffed Lead Scanning

Depending on the software chosen, we offer a range of lead scanning options to meet your needs. Our recommended lead scanning devices are the Linea Pro Series scanners or iPhone rentals. These devices are designed to streamline the lead scanning process, making it faster and more efficient than ever before.



Laser Scanning

The Linea Pro Series are compact and easy to use. These handheld scanners are the ultimate solution for quick and easy lead scanning. Simply use them to read the prospect’s QR or barcode, and you have access to all of their information.

Optical Scanning

Our iPhone rentals are another great option for optical lead scanning. These devices are preloaded with the desired lead scanning software, making collecting and managing leads in real-time easy. Having a dedicated lead scanning device is important because it won’t split your data or battery power

Contactless Lead Scanning

With our lead scanning solutions, event vendors and exhibitors can easily collect and manage data directly from your event attendees. This allows them to follow up with prospects after the event and turn those leads into customers without direct involvement.

Our Lilitab lead scanning solution is a powerful and versatile tool that can capture lead information in various settings. It features a large, high-resolution touchscreen allowing attendees to input information quickly and easily. With built-in Wi-Fi, you can transmit your data in real time.


Rent yours today

The Lead Scanning Solutions That Are Right For You!

At Choose 2 Rent, we understand that every event is unique. That's why we offer a range of lead scanning options to meet your lead scanning needs. Whether you're hosting a small conference or a large trade show, our experienced team can help you choose the right lead scanning solution for your event.