Choose 2 Rent Now Offering Sneeze Guards For Sale
Sneeze Guard is a vital form of protection from the spread of COVID-19, other viruses and bacteria. It provides a low-cost and unobtrusive solution for face-to-face guest check-in reception areas. Everyone sees Sneeze Guards popping up at grocery stores, gas stations, airport counters and more. Choose 2 Rent is a leading provider for event registration equipment. Our role is to supply our customers with accessories that facilitate safe events in the “new normal”.

The stable barrier is clean, easy to disinfect at any time and designed to fit various tables or countertops. The pass through area of the Sneeze Guard is a perfect fit for the Zebra ZD620 and Zebra ZD500 badge printers with integrated badge cutter, allowing a contact-less interaction with attendees. While Choose 2 Rent is an environmentally friendly company, we cannot reuse Sneeze Guards due to sanitary reasons. Sales are final, however we offer our clients to return the product to have Choose 2 Rent properly recycle the acrylic material.

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